MasterLoad™ – a specialized software package, developed by API Marine provides on-board calculation of cargo conditions and stability of the ship.
MasterLoad™ – Cargo Computer/Strength Monitoring System
MasterLoad™ – is a software package for calculation of load, stability, strength, floatability for tankers, gas carriers, dry bulk cargo ships, container carriers, sea-river vessels, general cargo vessels, floating drilling platforms, floating dry docks, floating cranes and other types of floating structures.
MasterLoad™ allows to:
- Create loading and ballasting plan of the vessel in on-line mode and save it in the Database
- Develop a ballasting scheme for the vessel (floating platform), based on specified draft
- Calculate trim/heel, stability and strength of undamaged vessel in the current load status
- Create a virtual model of emergency situation and calculate trim and stability when specified compartments are flooded
- Calculate dock operations (arrangement of ships in the dock, ballasting and strength calculation)
- Arrange integration of separate modules of the floating object with calculation of trim-stability at each step of enlargement
MasterLoad™ is certified by international classification societies as an onboard strength monitoring device. It has a simple user-friendly interface, allows data input to the calculation program directly from sensors installed in cargo, ballast or service tanks (on-line mode), which ensures accuracy of trim, stability, strength calculations. Off-line mode allows compiling preliminary loading and ballasting scheme and automatically generating output documents “for sailing/for arrival”.
Information on ship’s load condition can be transferred through mobile networks (satellite/cellular) to the shore center or ship-owner.
The program has interface for communication with the Emergency Response Centre for immediate information transmission about emergency situations.
Modules for Different Types of Ships
- On-line communication with sensors in cargo tanks
- Automatic calculation of the amount of loaded/unloaded cargo
- Drafts correction
LNG and LPG Carriers:
- On-line communication with sensors in cargo tanks
- Calculation of free surface influence during cargo evaporation
- Calculation of acceleration from displacement of cargo masses
Bulk Carriers:
- Special transportation features for bulk cargo (SF-factor)
- Drafts correction
- On-line communication with level sensors in ballast and service tanks
Sea-river vessels:
- Cargo plan for different types of cargo
- Calculation of trim for passage under bridges
- SQUAT effect calculation
Container Ships:
- Automatic distribution of containers
- Sorting by loading/unloading ports
- Windage calculation adjusted for deck containers
General Cargo Vessels:
- Cargo arrangement in hold in on-line mode
- Shallow-water effect calculation
- Special transportation features for timber cargo
Floating Cranes:
- Precalculation of suspended cargo effect
- Calculation of heel, trim and stability
Offshore Floating Drilling Platforms:
- Stability calculation in transition modes
- Trim calculation in emergency modes
- Automation of ballasting operations
All oil tankers constructed before 1 January 2016 shall comply at the fist scheduled renewal survey of the ship after 1 January 2016, but not later than 1. January 2021
To meet requirements there are there are two global options:
- To install new loading SW or update existing.
- To request Class Administration to waive the requirements ( listed in new Regulation 3.6).
API Marine offers:
- new Loading Software – MasterLoad
- upgrade existing Loading Software
- consultancy and contacts to Class